Our favourite way to switch quickly (as long as you’ve enabled the Trackpad gestures) is to swipe down with three fingers and click on the window you want to use. To move between windows of the same application you need to use a separate key combination, that of Cmd- (the key to the left of Z). Whereas on a PC you would use Alt-Tab, on a Mac you press Cmd-Tab (holding cmd down longer if you want to see a menu of open applications). Navigating between applications on OSX is a similar to that of Windows. 10) How to move between open windows in the same program on a Mac To switch users either log out from the Apple icon, or click on the user name displayed in the top right corner and select another account. When you’ve finished, click the padlock once again to complete the process.

You’ll be prompted for your administrator password, enter this then click on the plus sign above the padlock to enter a new user account. Navigate to System Preferences>Users and Groups, and click on the padlock in the bottom left corner. If more than one person is regularly using your new Mac then you might want to create different user accounts, just as you would on a PC. This menu can also be accessed by clicking on the Apple icon in the top left corner, then selecting Force Quit from the drop-down menu. Now select the problematic application from the list – which will often have a message next to it – and click the blue Force Quit button. The Mac doesn’t have a delete key, meaning the time honoured Ctrl-Alt-Del combination won’t work, so use instead Cmd-Alt-Esc to bring up the Force Quit window. OSX is a very stable system but from time to time an application may stop responding, requiring you to manually shut it down. Mountain Lion does have a maximise feature though, for most apps, that’s engaged by clicking on the two grey arrows in the upper right corner of the window. Instead it’s enlarged to a size that fits the information on the page. The yellow minus does minimize the app exactly as Windows does, but the green plus button doesn’t maximise the pane. Clicking the red cross will close the current window, but not the app itself. The traffic light buttons in the top left of the pane look similar to Windows, but they behave differently. The way windows function on OSX can be a little bewildering at first for long-time PC users.